Advertise With The Portland Media Group

Each month, we hear from scores of businesses large and small interested in learning more about Radio’s unique value proposition of mass reach combined with targeted frequency to achieve tangible results. Read more about our proprietary operating philosophy here: Our Formula – Portland Media Group

Portland Media Group (PMG) operates eight (8) leading Radio stations throughout Southern Maine. Each is targeted to a distinct consumer psychographic group, and it’s likely one is a perfect match to your ideal customer profile. Let us create a customized growth plan for your enterprise (using radio, digital and/or mobile marketing) that will activate our listeners to consider you first when contemplating a purchase in your product or service vertical. PMG integrated marketing professionals are fully versed in the fundamentals of brand building for local businesses. Our complimentary evaluation process includes a confidential review of your current growth strategy and competitive arena, an in-depth assessment of all your marketing bridges (perhaps the most essential step), the optimum brand position for your business and the most effective marketing mix to optimize your investment. Then, we handle everything from copywriting to contract with ongoing dialog every step of the way. Besides FM and AM Radio, our tools also include the following:

  • Award winning copywriting and commercial production
  • Streaming audio and podcasting
  • Integration with social media
  • Mobile device marketing
  • Targeted digital advertising
  • Personality endorsements and social media influence
  • On-site and on-line promotional events
  • Online Marketing
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